Many years ago, I was asked by a well-respected agricultural chemical company to find answers to a puzzling situation. Growers had been reporting to the company that their fungicides were ineffective and not performing as advertised. Despite following dosing instructions, crops were still succumbing to fungal diseases. The growers were understandably frustrated and angry, and…
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Plant Sample Testing
Sampling for Foliar Diseases, Soil-Borne Diseases & Nematodes
Because a sample is conceptually an abbreviated representation of a true condition, the techniques of securing representative samples should be approached with precision. In many ways, sample-taking is not merely a science, but an art as well. This is complicated by the tension between achieving the ideal sample-taking systems taught at the university level, and…
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Sampling Checklist
Step-by-step guidelines for sending samples to SunBurst Agri Biotech Solutions LLC, Inc. for analysis. All the required forms are on our website