Many years ago, I conducted numerous chemical analyses of continuously cropped and virgin soils. The cropped soils were consistently superior in mineral constitution. However, the virgin soils were consistently higher in overall microbial population levels, and in the diversity of microbial species. In addition, the virgin soil featured a mellow texture, versus the more compact…
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Crop Programs
Growers Need Both Pesticides & Disease Diagnostic Services to Be Successful
Many years ago, I was asked by a well-respected agricultural chemical company to find answers to a puzzling situation. Growers had been reporting to the company that their fungicides were ineffective and not performing as advertised. Despite following dosing instructions, crops were still succumbing to fungal diseases. The growers were understandably frustrated and angry, and…
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Treating Late Blight Outbreaks in Tomato Plants
Late blight is an explosive disease. In humid, wet weather, and in the absence of fungicidal programs, this disease can quickly reach epidemic proportions and has the potential to literally wipe out a field within 24 hours. The disease has a notorious place in history, having wreaked havoc on Ireland’s potato crops in 1845 and…
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