Illustrations by Thomas T. Yamashita, Ph.D. Adapted from an article originally published in Quantum Yield, a Technical Publication of the Sunburst Disease Clinic In recent years, our agricultural community has been subjected to an unprecedented barrage of temperature fluctuations, rains, hail, snow, wind and variations thereof. This has transformed our farms into large scale plant…
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Treating Late Blight Outbreaks in Tomato Plants
Late blight is an explosive disease. In humid, wet weather, and in the absence of fungicidal programs, this disease can quickly reach epidemic proportions and has the potential to literally wipe out a field within 24 hours. The disease has a notorious place in history, having wreaked havoc on Ireland’s potato crops in 1845 and…
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How to Prevent Sunburning of Maples, White Birch & Roses
There are oftentimes periods in the spring and summer where temperatures suddenly climb, with a 25 degree or more increase versus the previous day. This often produces temperatures exceeding 100 degrees. By the time cool weather returns, the heat wave has devastated the delicate, young tissues of plants. Commonly affected species are plants include Japanese…
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Preventing Heat Stress in White Birch Trees
White birch trees (Betula alba) can be a beautiful addition to a landscape. However, and especially in the hot Central Valley, they will frequently suffer the symptoms of heat stress, sometimes incurring severe sunburning of the shoot tips and limbs. Nematodes—rather than weather—are a prime contributor to the effects of heat stress in birch trees….
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